Recent work by Yo Rodeo Poster Company



7inch Sleeves for Sharp Like Knives

These are the sleeves for the new Sharp Like Knives 7inch record that should be out within 2 weeks. All colours printed on hot flourescent orange paper, so anywhere you see orange - that's neon. The best part is opening it up and it pretty much glows at you. You can listen to one of the tracks in the media section here.

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Front and back covers

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Inside panels



Sharp Like Windom Earle

Merch poster for Sharp Like Knives and Windom Earle summer tour 2006. Screenprinted.
Reversable, suckers.

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Sharp Like Knives is winning!

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Windom Earle is winning!

Check out the tour info here.


Prints for Show at Studio 21, Halifax

Paul made these 5 screenprints for a group printmaking show at Studio21, Halifax - with James Kirkpatrick, and Tom Hammick. The yellow noodles are secrets and so are the green spills. All the prints are 22x30 inches on manilla coloured paper. Word.

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Little Birds - I

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Little Birds - II

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Little Birds - III

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Little Birds - IV

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Little Birds - V



Seth Beat me Up For Using His Drippies

This was a poster made for the Canadian Federation of Students in order to encourage students to vote. Because, you know - tuition's expensive. And some parties like it that way. (most of them) Apparently someone at Saint Mary's said that these looked awesome because they "look like Urban Outfitters tshirts". Great. Thanks.


April 2006   May 2006   June 2006   August 2006   September 2006   October 2006   November 2006   January 2007  

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